Organiser: Hong Kong Cycling Alliance; Event partner: 主辦:香港單車同盟;協辦:香港單車資訊網 Supporting party: Sportsoho (
All cyclists are invited to ride together to remember all those
cyclists who died or were injured in 2012 in Hong Kong, and to quietly
make the statement that “we are here” and deserve respect and
consideration. This is one of hundreds of such rides around the world at
the same time, annually on this third Wednesday in May. 邀請所有騎單車人仕一同踏單車去紀念2012年在香港死亡或受傷的單車使用者,以沉默騎行的方式宣告「我們存在」及應受到尊重及在規劃中應被考慮。這是世界各地數以百計同樣的集體單車騎行活動之一,於每年五月第三個星期三舉行。