2012年1月22日 星期日
2012年1月7日 星期六
STRiDA SD@GUMONDER G701 16"x1.5 100psi Tire checking (1500km End)
We can see the difference between front & rear of the tire usage:
We can see the significantly abrasion of the tire by tear, those crack is weak and no longer afford the tire pressure, may be cut by the gravel, danger of burst in riding , the tire needs to be replaced immediately ...
In normal operation with no special abrasion in use, the estimated life time of G701 16" x 1.5 100psi tire was 2000km up.
0km Brand new!

For the G701 16" x 1.5 100psi tire durability test due to tire
deformation and conclusion at 1600km, currently explained as follows:
We can see the significantly abrasion of the tire by tear, those crack is weak and no longer afford the tire pressure, may be cut by the gravel, danger of burst in riding , the tire needs to be replaced immediately ...
In normal operation with no special abrasion in use, the estimated life time of G701 16" x 1.5 100psi tire was 2000km up.
STRiDA SD@KENDA KWEST 16"x1.5 65psi Tire checking (1500km End) Made in Taiwan
KENDA 16"x1.5 65psi Tire running life total 1600km
Made in Taiwan
We can see the difference of tire usage between front & rear:
0Km Brand new!
the KENDA 16 "x1.5 65psi tire durability test due to tire deformation
and conclusion at 1600km, currently explained as follows:
We can see the deformation of the tire after some significantly abrasion, that was made by the lock brakes, that part pr the tire was weak, can no longer afford the air pressure, danger of burst in riding , the tire needs to be replaced immediately ...
In normal operation with no special abrasion in use, the estimated life time of KENDA 16 "x1.5 65psi tire was 2000km up.
對於此次KENDA 16"x1.5 65psi的輪胎耐用程度測試因輪胎出現變形而在1600km完結並作出以下分析:
從相片中可以看見後輪胎變形的部份有明顯的磨損, 是由鎖死剎車所做成, 令到外胎磨損的部份比其它位置較為薄弱, 較薄的位置不能再承受輪胎的氣壓, 出現俗稱"生仔"的輪胎局部彭脹現像, 行車時有除時爆裂的危險須立即更換外胎...
至於輪胎若在正常運轉而沒有出現特別磨損的使用下, 估計KENDA 16"x1.5 65psi輪胎的壽命至少可達2000km以上.
Made in Taiwan
We can see the difference of tire usage between front & rear:
0Km Brand new!
Deform at 1500-1600km
We can see the deformation of the tire after some significantly abrasion, that was made by the lock brakes, that part pr the tire was weak, can no longer afford the air pressure, danger of burst in riding , the tire needs to be replaced immediately ...
In normal operation with no special abrasion in use, the estimated life time of KENDA 16 "x1.5 65psi tire was 2000km up.
對於此次KENDA 16"x1.5 65psi的輪胎耐用程度測試因輪胎出現變形而在1600km完結並作出以下分析:
從相片中可以看見後輪胎變形的部份有明顯的磨損, 是由鎖死剎車所做成, 令到外胎磨損的部份比其它位置較為薄弱, 較薄的位置不能再承受輪胎的氣壓, 出現俗稱"生仔"的輪胎局部彭脹現像, 行車時有除時爆裂的危險須立即更換外胎...
至於輪胎若在正常運轉而沒有出現特別磨損的使用下, 估計KENDA 16"x1.5 65psi輪胎的壽命至少可達2000km以上.
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